How do you install LED lights in panels?
Sofwtare Download - TUYA Smart
1. Light scenes
Using the app, you can program light scenes. Operating a receiver for a LED lamp, you can set the following example: when you press “scene 1” – the lamp will light up at 15% of its power, and if you press “scene 2” – then the LED will light up in white at 100% of its power.

2. Changing colors and light intensity
Using the TUYA Smart app, you can very easily change the color of the light (only for RGB+CCT, RGBW, CCT or RGB LED strips) and change its intensity, regardless of the type of LED strip installed.

3. Time schedules
With TUYA, you can set the working time of individual elements, for example, you can set the LED lamp to work from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at 100% of its power, and from 9:01 pm to 11:00 pm only at 40% of its power. You can also set time schedules for almost all appliances.

4. Controlling the light to the beat of the music being played
With TUYA, you can set the working time of individual elements, for example, you can set the LED lamp to work from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at 100% of its power, and from 9:01 pm to 11:00 pm only at 40% of its power. You can also set time schedules for almost all appliances.